Sunday, 1 June 2008

Loop Duplicate My Heart

I've been neglecting this of late. In all honesty, I've been really damn busy with University and working on the sex channels, plus keeping up with socialising and friends etc.

A couple of weekends ago Colour of Water and I went to The Great Escape. Saw the following:

Thursday - lots of weird unsigned bands in the daytime, Doll and The Kicks, Elle S'Appelle, Alphabeat and I'm sure someone else too.
Friday - The Shoes, Black Angels, Saul Williams, Syd Matters (for literally 2 seconds)
Saturday - Bunny Rabbit, The xx

All in all, it was a bit of a pain because you had to get to a venue really, really early to actually see anyone you wanted to i.e. Young Knives. And I should have made more of an effort to see bands and not just get really drunk. Hey ho. Was worth it though.

Doll and The Kicks were easily the worst band I saw all weekend, and Saul Williams the best.

Apart from the, I've been manically doing work on media violence. HUGE STAB.

My music taste has gone considerably down-hill. Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy anyone?

Apart from that, I'm also going to see Tina Turner in all her wrinkley glory next year.

We Don't Need Another Hero - Tina Turner

Sorry, but this would be EPIC live.

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